Version 5.1 - January 10, 2025
- Added the unique feature - conversions between combinations of related units.
For example, you can convert a length measured in miles, yards, and feet into the equivalent length in kilometers, meters, and centimeters.
- Expressions support is greately extended.
- Added smart hints to guide users through program features.
- Added log window context menu (opened with right mouse button).
- The program now remembers the last values, units and settings between sessions.
- Added the ability to clear the last-converted values and units from every category with the menu option: "Clear conversion memory".
Version 4.2 - January 19, 2008
- Added expressions support.
- Help manual is greatly extended.
- Few minor changes to user interface.
Version 4.1 - October 24, 2003
- Added 9 new categories and extended several old ones. Now the program
contains 78 categories and over than 2100 units of measure.
- Fixed some problems in the "Numbers" category.
- Now the program features Office XP style menus.
Version 4.0 - May 31, 2003
- The interface of the program has a new element added, slider,
allowing the user to smoothly change values in the input edit box and
simultaneously receive results in the output edit box and output units
- Slider's settings are user-configurable. The user is able to set the
required range of values (the size of a scale) and the value of the
units of a scale (the slider's step).
Version 3.12 - December 10, 2002
- The total number of categories is increased to 69. The number of units
is more than 1800.
- In the category "Numbers", support of numbers is expanded from 32 bit
to 64 bit.
Version 3.11 - June 15, 2002
- 6 categories (about 100 units) have been added, including the category
"EU Currency" for conversion of European currencies into uniform
currency - the Euro.
- Values of some fundamental constants are shown in a table, which
can be displayed by a button from the toolbar. On clicking the
left mouse-button over the selected line in this table, the category
that the constant is concerned with will be found, and the constant's
value will be sent to the input box for use in possible conversions.
Version 3.9 - February 22, 2002
- An option is added allowing the user to select "active categories" from
all those available. These are categories which the user intends to
actively use and they will be the only ones displayed as categories
index tabs. Deselected categories become "disabled categories", however
they can be transferred back to the "active categories" at the click of
a button. It is also possible to re-arrange the "active categories" into
a more convenient order.
Version 3.7 - November 9, 2001
- Support for the 16 bit version Unit Conversion Tool is stopped. Since
version 3.7, the program will be available only in 32 bit versions.
- 7 categories on electricity and magnetism are added. Unit Conversion Tool
now contains 56 categories and more than 1500 units.
Version 3.6 - May 19, 2001
- A special function is developed allowing Windows' system settings to
control color and the sizes of all elements of the program. The font in
all controls, including edit-boxes, unit lists, the log window, and the
status bar becomes that which is chosen for the system.
Version 3.5 - January 25, 2001
- It is now possible to change the log window size over a wide range. It is
also possible to remove the log window from the screen if it is not needed.
- Any conversion line in the log window can be copied from the log window
back into the edit-boxes and units lists by clicking a toolbar button,
pressing the "Enter" key, or simply double clicking the left mouse-button.
- It is now possible to delete any number of lines from the log window.
Version 3.3 - October 12, 2000
- The number of categories has increased to 49 and the number of units to
- If the information in the log window has been saved to a log file, or if
a pre-existing log file is opened, then the active log file's name is
appended to the program name in the application's title bar.
- In the " Nag Screen", "Registration", and "About" windows, interactivity
is increased due to a cross arrangement of hyper-references.
Version 3.0 - April 14, 2000
- Addition of a log window to the interface of the program. The user can
add new conversions to this window, or remove the currently selected
conversions from this window, by using toolbar buttons.
The contents of the log window can be saved to a file at the
press of a toolbar button. Similarly, a pre-existing file can be opened
into the log window.
- Menu items of the "File" menu allow the carrying out of all necessary
manipulations of the log window's data and also the loading of log
files from disk.
- The special option "Logging" is added, allowing the carrying out of
necessary settings, including the setting of a directory (folder) for
storage of log files.
Version 2.6 - November 30, 1999
- Categories on computer science - "Data Storage" and "Data Transfer" -
are added. Now Unit Conversion Tool contains more than 800 units 44 categories.
- It is now possible to enter the data not only in the left edit-box but
also in the right. When the data input side is switched, the
arrow-pointer located between the edit-boxes rotates to indicate which
side is now being used for input and which is for output. The
arrow-pointer turn can be instant or it can be in animation mode.
Version 2.4 - March 3, 1999
- 4 new categories concerning heat and energy are added. Some of the
already available categories are expanded. In particular, the "Volume"
category now contains 67 units.
- The column for abbreviations is added in the units lists for those
units which have accepted abbreviations according to international
standards organizations.
Version 2.2 - December 17, 1998
- 3 new categories are added, including "Velocity-Angular" and
"Acceleration-Angular". Became more than 1000 units in 38 categories.
- New (from Office 97) style at the toolbar.
- Became possible to choose between a displaying of results in the right
units list in clipped or unclipped format.
Version 2.1 - September 23, 1998
- 5 new categories are added, including 4 categories concerning radiation.
- Added the functionality to simultaneously display the results of all
possible conversions in the right units list for the chosen unit in the
left list.
- For convenience it is now impossible to enter non-numerical expressions
into the input box, and as a decimal number divider it is now possible to
use either a point or a coma.
Version 2.0 - June 15, 1998
- There is now more than 700 units in 30 categories.
- In the category "Numbers", there is the functionality for transformation
of Roman numbers to numbers on any basis (from 1 up to 36) and back.
Version 1.0 - May 15, 1998